Thursday, 29 March 2018

Global Warming

Global Warming

Global warming is an increase in our earth's temperature more than the average.
Global Warming is cause due to releasing more Carbon Dioxide comparatively to average.

       This makes a layer in our earth's atmosphere
which traps the heat of sun or traps the radiation or the heat released by ourselves
How it occurs:

       This makes a layer in our earth's atmosphere
which traps the heat of sun or traps the radiation or the heat released by ourselves in our environment. I

It's Causes:  Global Warming can cause many destructions to us. If earth's temperature will rise up the polar ice caps,ice bergs,polar belts will start to melt and solid water will be changed into liquid and sea level will be rise up to 50m. This will make a heavy loss to life and property. Many crops will be destroyed because of rise in temperature.

So ,Global Warming can make us live no longer on earth and can destroy massive property and life.

How to control Global Warming

We can control the harms of global warming by following the steps written below:
1. Global warming's main reason is releasing of most carbon dioxide then all gawa there release due to ptuer human or natural activities. So we should try to make our environment with less carbon dioxide excretion.

2. Use CNG taxies instead of taxies which  produce more ccrbon dioxide or arbon monoxide. These toxic gases give reasons to acid rains.

3.Government should enforce vehicle manufacturing companies to upgradup the cars or any vehicles to release less gases that lead to acid rains.(Carbon Monoxide).

4.To reduce carbon dioxide we should plant and more trees.


Happy to help:)

1 comment:

  1. Hello,By reading the Article you will know easily that What is Global Warming.


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